Everything you need to Know about Discone Antenna
For many years, the Discone Antenna is used for gaining better radio communication. It is a kind of biconical antenna where one cone is replaced with a disk which is generally mounted on the top of the cone. This blog describes the Discone antenna , its features, history, benefits, and disadvantages of an antenna. We will also discuss many other things related to this antenna. What Is a Discone Antenna? A discone antenna is a kind of biconical antenna in which one cone is replaced with a disk. This disk is tied on the top of the cone. These antennas contain a solid metal disk on the top of a solid metal cone. Discone antennas receive bands between 140 and 500 MHz. These antennas work with local repeaters only when there are strong signals. They contain rods that help to decrease wind loading. Apart from that, the rods also simplify construction. This is the reason why many discone antennas are built by new radio operators. You can make the ribs of the discone antenna with t...