
Showing posts from January, 2023

Advantages and Disadvantages of YAGI Antenna

  What is Yagi Antenna? YAGI antennas  are a type of directional antenna that is commonly used for radio, television, and other wireless communication applications. They are highly directional, meaning they can be used to send and receive signals from a specific direction. This makes them ideal for long-distance communication, as they can be used to focus the signal in a particular direction. Additionally, YAGI antennas are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. How does a Yagi Antenna Work? It consists of a series of metal rods arranged in a line, with the longest rod in the center and shorter rods on either side. The rods are connected to a feed line, which is connected to a radio transmitter or receiver. When a radio signal is transmitted, the longest rod in the center of the antenna acts as a reflector, reflecting the signal back to the shorter rods. The shorter rods act as directors, amplifying the signal and directing it in a specific direction. This allows the anten