Everything You Need to Know about FM Broadcast Antenna
Antennas come in different shapes and sizes. Every antenna performs differently from another. Choosing the right kind of antenna is very important for gaining better performance. FM Broadcast Antennas help to receive high-quality FM broadcasts. They also help to receive strong indoor signals. Antennas designed with bands between 88 MHz and 108 MHz are good for receiving the FM broadcast. They also give the most effective FM reception. In this blog, we will discuss everything related to FM broadcast antenna and its features, benefits, and how it works. Basics of Dipole antenna Before we discuss the different features of a dipole antenna, it is necessary to learn its basics. Dipole Antennas contain two parts or poles. In a half-wave dipole, each leg is an electrical quarter wavelength long. The length of the dipole is determined by the frequency operation. FM broadcast band extends from 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz. Coaxial cable is used for a balun in this type of an...